First Post

Hi this is my first blog ever! I’m 16 and in a few months I’ll be going to university ( so excited!). I started this blog to share my life with others and mainly to open up since I’m not that good in expressing my emotions. When I finished high school a week ago; I thought to myself: why don’t I start a blog to record the important events in my life and since I’m still young I think there’s lots to come inshallah ( if Allah allows). My high school graduation will be on the 24th of June which I wont be attending because I’ll be away in Germany ( I’m from Dubai). I don’t feel that sad about not attending the graduation ceremony because I guess I’m not really deep enough to understand the importance of these kinds of events. Anyways, I think I’ll have more fun in Germany with my grandmother ( she’s being treated there). I’m travelling tomorrow inshallah and I’ll probably update before leaving.